Investor Relations

The Chief Executive Officer, Marie-Claire Dwek, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the business, developing the Group’s strategy for discussion with the Board and then implementing that strategy. The Chief Financial Officer, Paul Campbell-White, is responsible for the financial reporting of the Group and supporting the CEO in developing and implementing the Group strategy. The two Executive Directors have prime responsibility for engagement with shareholders. 


The Non-Executive Directors, Michel Rapoport and Terence Yap, are responsible for bringing their expertise and judgement in assisting in the development of strategy and measuring its performance, challenging the Executive Directors and reviewing their performance. 


Audit Committee  

The Audit Committee comprises Maurice Dwek, Michel Rapoport and Terence Yap and a copy of its written terms of reference is available here.

The audit committee principal duties are as follows:  

  • Reviewing and approving the interim results, 
  • Agreement of the independence of the auditors and their planning report for the year-end financial statements including the proposed audit fees and non-audit services, 
  • Reviewing and approving the audited annual report and accounts, 
  • Discussion with the external auditors of any accounting or financial issues arising in the course of their work, 
  • Discussion of the auditors’ assessment of the adequacy of internal controls

Remuneration Committee  

The Remuneration Committee comprises Maurice Dwek, Michel Rapoport and Terence Yap and meets at least once a year to review the terms and conditions of employment of Executive Directors including the provision of incentives and performance related benefits. A copy of its written terms of reference is available here.